Susan McBride's "Walk A Crooked Line"

Susan McBride is the USA Today bestselling author of the Debutante Dropout Mysteries and the River Road Mysteries. The debut of her Jo Larsen series, Walk Into Silence, was a #1 Kindle bestseller in the US and the UK, and #3 in Australia.

Here McBride dreamcasts an adaptation of the second Jo Larsen novel, Walk A Crooked Line:
Oh, how I would love to see Jo Larsen come to life! She’s the protagonist of both Walk A Crooked Line and Walk Into Silence, my police procedurals that tiptoe on the dark side. Jo is kind of a mystery herself, and, as I peel back the layers of her family history, I can see several actresses who could walk in her shoes. When I first wrote Walk Into Silence, I envisioned Jennifer Beals, the actress from Flashdance, who’s physically pretty much the perfect Jo. The only drawback is Ms. Beals is a little older than I am, and, for that reason, perhaps too seasoned to play Jo Larsen now, since Jo is in her mid-thirties. Still, I think she could pull it off. Age is just a number, right?

My next pick would have been Meghan Markle, because she’s another one who doesn’t look too white bread, which is important. Both actresses have the dark eyes and dark hair that Jo has. Both seem quite able to play a tough woman who persists despite the odds yet feels about to crack into a million pieces on the inside. I guess Beals would be a better bet these days since Meghan seems busy performing her royal duties. So, if anyone knows Ms. Beals and can slip her a copy of Walk A Crooked Line, you have my blessing.
Learn more about the book and author at Susan McBride's website.

My Book, The Movie: Walk Into Silence.

The Page 69 Test: Walk Into Silence.

--Marshal Zeringue


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